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Cure the Incurable

Rabies is a fatal disease that affects animals and humans, for which there is currently no cure.

We are working to change that.

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The Canine Rabies Treatment Initiative (CRTI) is a non-profit organization dedicated to making rabies treatable for all patients. A successful therapy for rabies is accelerated by providing compassionate veterinary care and investigational treatment of naturally infected dogs in appropriate circumstances. Using a One Medicine approach, we aim to end the years of neglect of a treatment for this disease and provide hope for patients.


Hope for Humans & Animals

People and dogs are still threatened by dire outcomes in various circumstances. With potential therapies on the horizon, and research with naturally infected dogs, hope can come to patients, both human and animal. 

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Cure the Incurable

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Canine Rabies Treatment Initiative is a registered non-profit company (2021/726322/08) and registered non-profit organization (263-466) in South Africa

©2022 Canine Rabies Treatment Initiative

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