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About Us

Rabies is a fatal disease that affects animals and humans, for which there is currently no cure.
Our vision is a world in which rabies is a treatable disease for all patients.  

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A Modern Problem

Rabies is the archetypal incurable infectious disease. Despite the disease’s long history, little progress has been made towards a treatment.

It affects the world’s most vulnerable populations and the prognosis for patient recovery remains dire. 
Around 60,000 people per year still die from rabies transmitted from dogs.
That’s 1 person every 10 minutes.

Untold numbers of dogs also die from the disease every year. Additionally, dogs suffer persecution as a result of people's fear of rabies.


What Can Be Done?

The Canine Rabies Treatment Initiative (CRTI) is a non-profit organisation dedicated to making rabies treatable for all patients.

Clinical veterinary research of the disease in naturally infected dogs will give us insight into palliative care and possible avenues for treatment, and reduce the use of laboratory animals.

Compassionate critical care and investigational treatment of naturally infected dogs receiving the same supportive care as human patients will increase opportunities to study and develop combination therapies to treat rabies. 


An effective therapeutic protocol will need a combined approach of:

Aggressive critical care, Antiviral drugs, Neuroprotectants, Management of the patient’s immune system

Cause for Optimism

Recent research offers potential in developing a treatment for rabies: 


Neuroprotectants – research in human neurodegenerative disorders has made discoveries around neuroprotectants that may be applicable to rabies treatments


Monoclonal antibodies – Unprecedented proof of concept of an antibody-based approach for treatment of symptomatic rabies

One Medicine Approach

“One Medicine” refers to the similarities between human and veterinary medicine and the benefit of collaboration in the study and treatment of diseases that affect both humans and animals.


A successful therapy for rabies is accelerated by providing compassionate care and investigational treatment in naturally infected dogs, using a One Medicine approach, ending the years of neglect of a treatment for this disease and providing hope for patients.


We implement this mission through a tiered approach in canine rabies endemic areas, in collaboration with governmental agencies, non-governmental organisations and academic partners. 


This approach allows for phased progress towards treatment while conducting translational research on pathogenesis, diagnosis and prognosis; developing an ethical framework and clinical and biosafety protocols; providing training for veterinary personnel; obtaining regulatory approval; and strengthening strategic partnerships. 

Zero by 2030

Zero by 2030: The Global Strategic Plan to end Human Deaths from Dog-mediated Rabies
by 2030 


We fully support efforts to eliminate human deaths from dog-mediated rabies through dog vaccination and human post-exposure prevention. 


We also believe there remains a need for an effective rabies therapy and our mission is to bridge this gap. 


People and dogs are still threatened by dire outcomes in various circumstances when there is a failure to recognise exposure or seek care, a lack of access to care, a deviation from care protocols, or in rare cases when post-exposure prevention fails or is refused. Rabies transmission from wildlife also continues to pose a risk.

The Problem
What Can Be Done?
One Medicine Approach
Zero by 2030
Anchor 1

Cure the Incurable

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Canine Rabies Treatment Initiative is a registered non-profit company (2021/726322/08) and registered non-profit organization (263-466) in South Africa

©2022 Canine Rabies Treatment Initiative

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